Each 100 ml contains:
- Fosfomycin Sodium 20 g
- Excipients to 100 ml
Indications: To control bacterial infections susceptible to Fosfomycin in poultry (broilers, layers, breeders, turkeys, ducks, and guinea fowl) from the first day of their age. Effective against infectious coryza, fowl cholera, colibacillosis, ORT, CRD, staphylococcal infections, fowl typhoid, and salmonellosis.
Usage: Administered via oral route. The medicated water must be used within one day.
- 50 ml Fosfonour 20% per 200 L drinking water for 3-5 consecutive days.
- 10 mg/kg body weight for 3-5 consecutive days.
Note: It is better to administer the total amount of the drug for one day in the drinking water that the birds will consume in the first 4-6 hours, followed by fresh water for the rest of the day.
Warnings: High mineral salts in the drinking water, above 1000 ppm, may interfere with the solubility.
Withdrawal Period: Meat and eggs: 5 days from the last treatment.
Package: 1000 ml plastic bottle.
Storage: Store in a dry place at room temperature, away from light and children.