Composition :
each 100 ml contains:
- Fluconazole 10 gm.
- Exq: 100 ml .
Indication : flunazole nour is product indicates for treatment and prevention of fungal infection especially aspergillus that affect lungs, thoracic and abdominal air sacs Also, it indicates for treatment and prevention of candida albican that affect the gastro – intestinal tract in poultry flocks.
Usage: orally through drinking water .
poultry , ducks , quails , pet birds :
0.5 ml / L ( equivalent to 1 ml / 10 kg ) of body weight for 5 – 7 continuously days .
Dogs : 1 ml / 2-4 kg of body weight once a day for 8 continuously days
Cats : 1 ml / 1 – 4 kg of body weight twice a day for 3 weeks
Withdrawal period : Meat 7 days .
Precaution : Toxic for parrots
Don’t use it for layers