each 1 ml contains:
- Tannine extract 500 mg .
- Exp : 1 ml .
due to the wide spectrum on bacteria, fungi, parasites, even protozoa its indicate for:
- Controlling bacterial infection in the gastrointestinal tract.
- Nonspecific diarrhea it stops diarrhea after few hours .
- intestinal disorders of young animals .
- colibacillosis .
- prevention coccidia, flagellates, histomonasis, if regularly administrated to young birds .
- protect and regenerates hepatic tissues .
- its strong antioxidant .
- its anti-hemorrhagic properties .
- feeding mode changes in young animals .
- stimulate digestive enzymes and reduce the bloat in the ruminant.
- neutralizes mycotoxins.
- It has diastolic, analgesic and antiphlogistic effects in the gastrointestinal tract .
- it is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents in the urinary tract.
Dosage and usage:
orally through drinking water .
- Poultry and rabbits:
1 lm / 1 L for 3 days’ minimum .
- Larg animals:
150-300 ml / per ahead divided into 3 doses minimum 3 days .
- Calves:
50-150 ml / per ahead divided into 3 doses minimum 3 days .
- Withdrawal period: