chemical composition:
- Vitamin B1 27.5 mg.
- Vitamin B2 150 mg.
- Vitamin B6 63 mg.
- Vitamin B12 412.5 mcg.
- Vitamin K3 82.5 mg.
- Niacin (nicotine acid) 505 mg.
- Panthenol D 164.5 mg.
- Vitamin C 1.39 g.
- Folic acid 180 mcg.
- Biotin 290 mcg.
- Excipients up to 100 ml.
Noorplex is used to treat fatty liver, deficiency of one of the B vitamins, improve feather formation, meat production, increase eggs, and in cases of stress and exhaustion in poultry.
Side Effects:
There are no side effects within the specified dosage.
How to use:
by drinking water.
200 ml / 200 liters of drinking water for 5 – 6 days.
- 100ml plastic bottle.
- 1000ml plastic bottle.
Store in a cool, dry place, away from light and reach of children.